Adams, Adrienne 1906-
American Folk Rhymes and Chants (20:58-63)
Endless Tale (42:71-76)
Favorite Mother Goose Rhymes (33:36-43)
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go (30:77-84)
Master of All Masters (40:112-116)
Old Mother Hubbard (17:77-84)
Sugar Plum Tree (5:73-76)
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod (5:69-72)
Feeding the Birds this Winter (26:84-103)
Beck, Jack Wolfgang
Tell Me About the Sky (22:85-105)
Water, from Reservoir to You (33:105-116)
Bennett, Richard 1899-1971
Mike Fink: An American Tall Tale (23:85-104)
Paul Bunyan: Hero of the Lumber Woods (29:1-36)
Shawneen and the Gander (33:44-70)
Bjorklund, Lorence T. 1913-1978
True Book of Indians (28:100-116)
See Valdimir Bobri
Bobri, Vladimir 1898-
Gregorio and the White Llama (30:45-71)
Kintu (23:44-76)
Marco Polo's Travels (33:1-27)
Pege, Squire and Knight (40:86-102)
Pocahontas (36:37-44)
Quiet Mother and the Noisy Little Boy (20:85-95)
Story of Chan Yuc (27:125-155)
Bonestell, Chesley 1888-1986
Our Neighbors in Space (2:116-124)
Bordigoni, Idelette
Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat (22:37-40)
Rock-a-By Lady (22:41-44)
Snow White and Rose Red (34:1-21)
Steadfast Tin Soldier (37:35-44)
Straw, the Coal, and the Bean (27:78-83)
Bright, Robert 1902-1988
Georgie (26:61-76)
Me and the Bears (4:65-76)
Browning, Colleen 1929-
Beauty and the Beast (18:4-36)
Gallant Tailor (7:60-76)
Nightingale (39:45-62)
Pandora (35:77-84)
Pedlar of Swaffham (24:38-44)
Sleeping Beauty (13:85-94)
Tattercoats (31:28-36)
Twenty Ways to Play Tag (11: 100-116)
Wild Swans (26:1-37)
Winged Horse: Pegasus (21:1-37)
Brunhoff, Jean de 1899-1937
Babar the King (20:1-44)
Travels of Babar (5:37-68)
Burris, Burmah
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Won't-pick-up-toys Cure (36:61-76)
Charlip, Remy 1929-
Philadelphia: Cradle of Liberty (23:77-84)
Cleary, Joseph
We Live in Air (3:85-96)
Cooney, Barbara 1917-
Animal Crackers and Other Poems (21:45-57)
Childhood Poems (37:19-34)
Hansel and Gretel (1:61-76)
Puss in Boots (15:64-76)
Snipp, Snapp, Snurr, and the Buttered Bread (25:125-133)
Ugly Duckling (3:19-36)
Corrigan, Barbara 1922-
Just-for-Fun Parties (15:85-107)
D'Aulaire, Edgar Parin 1898-1986
Abraham Lincoln (1:1-39)
George Washington (18:37-64)
D'Aulaire, Ingri 1904-1980
Abraham Lincoln (1:1-39)
George Washington (18:37-64)
de Angeli, Marguerite 1889-1987
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (39:37-44)
Old Mother Goose Rhymes (13:37-44)
Yonie Wondernose (3:37-68)
Domanska, Janina 1912-
No, No, Taffy! (14:125-155)
Penny and the White Horse (10:45-56)
Eichenberg, Fritz 1901-1990
Magic Shop (28:125-155)
Elgin, Jill
Dangerous Day for Mrs. Doodlepunk (34:125-140)
Enright, Elizabeth 1909-1968
Christmas Every Day (28:46-62)
Erickson, Phoebe 1907-
Billy and the Bear (13:45-76)
Black Beauty and Ginger (39:1-36)
Chips, the Story of a Cocker Spaniel (31:67-76)
Injun Summer (38:77-84)
Lad and other Sunnybank Dogs (25:44-91)
Lassie Come-Home (10:1-36)
Little Fellow (34:46-65)
Rabbits as Pets (21:125-141)
Raggedy Man (24:78-84)
Shire Colt (7:45-59)
Star-spangled Banner (35:36-43)
Flack, Marjorie 1897-1958
Angus and the Cat (1:125-134)
Angus and the Ducks (18:65-76)
Tim Tadpole and the Great Bullfrog (11:45-61)
Freeman, Don 1908-1978
Androcles and the Lion (11:77-84)
Best Birthday (16:125-155)
Cornelia's Jewels (31:125-129)
Horse for a Prince (26:77-83)
How the Whale Got His Throat (15:36-44)
Mop Top (41:85-92)
Pet of the Met (35:44-60)
Freeman, Lydia 1907-
Pet of the Met (35:44-60)
Frost, A.B. 1851-1928
Wonderful Tar-baby and other Brer Rabbit Stories (38:1-35)
Galdone, Paul 1914-
Bottles, Bottle Tops, and Soda Pop (20:64-75)
Cat that Walked by Himself (24:1-18)
Drakesbill (17:85-99)
I Want To Be an Animal Doctor (19:108-116)
Miss Ant, Miss Grasshopper, and Mr. Cricket (13:141-155)
Mouse with Bobbed Whiskers (34:117-124)
Mrs. Goose and her Friends (37:98-116)
Owl and the Pussy-Cat and Other Nonsense Verses (3:69-76)
Terrible Mr. Twitmeyer (30:85-116)
True Book of the Circus (9:102-116)
Wonderful Tar-baby and other Brer Rabbit Stories (38:1-35)
Giordano, Joseph
Night Before Christmas (4:77-84)
Giusti, George 1908-
Sun Keeps Us Warm (12:85-100)
This Amazing Planet: Earth (18:147-155)
Goff, Lloyd 1919-
My Pet, Peepelo (15:125-155)
Gotlieb, Jules
David and Goliath (4:85-99)
Graboff, Abner 1919-
Funny Art Games (32:102-116)
Gruelle, Johnny 1880-1938
Doctor Raggedy Andy (7:77-84)
Raggedy Andy Meets Raggedy Ann (18:85-105)
Guisti, George
See Giusti, George
Haas, Irene 1929-
Eletelephony and other Verses (25:134-143)
Mr. Murdle's Large Heart (40:125-135)
Vickie and the Mixed-up Twins (24:96-116)
Houlihan, Ray 1923-
Andrew Jackson, Pioneer Hero (33:71-84)
Bob and the Railroad (21:85-116)
Buffalo Bill (42:1-36)
Crossing the Rubicon (38:150-155)
How Morse Sent Letters by Lightning (19:125-134)
Robert E. Lee (14:37-49)
Sir Francis Drake (26:38-53)
Ipcar, Dahlov 1917-
One Horse Farm (41:93-106)
Ives, Ruth
Baby's Mother Goose (42:77-84)
Barbara Frietchie (25:37-43)
Child's Garden of Verses (1:45-60)
First Prayers and Graces (22:71-76)
Frederick Barbarossa (34:66-75)
Land of Storybooks (18:1-3)
Little Heroine of Concord (11:14-36)
Sing for Christmas (16:70-76)
Ted and Nina Have a Happy Rainy Day (38:59-76)
Three Kings (28:77-84)
Jackson, Polly
Best Loved Singing Games (2:85-100)
Bluebonnets for Lucinda (19:45-62)
Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield (27:84-95)
Factory Kitty (23:125-148)
Heart of the Band (34:141-155)
Lovely Time (36:101-116)
Poems Around the Year (14:62-76)
Robi and Hanni in the Swiss Alps (7:125-156)
Songs of Nature (42:45-55)
Squash for the Fair (22:45-55)
Traveling the Underground Railroad (10:125-155)
Wee Brigit O'Toole (39:102-116)
Jacques, Robin 1920-
Capital Ship (34:76-84)
Fisherman and his Wife (36:45-60)
Heidi Goes to the Pasture (41:37-66)
Jason and the Golden Fleece (30:1-44)
King of the Golden River (37:1-18)
Little Daylight (29:44-62)
Little Two Eyes (20:102-116)
Magic Fishbone (17:1-27)
Post Captain: Sir Peter Bombazoo (19:38-44)
Some Adventures of a Brownie (14:1-36)
Wishes (40:67-75)
Wonderful Story of Moses (25:1-36)
Keats, Ezra Jack 1916-1983
Jumblies (17:100-105)
Sounds We Hear (10:92-106)
What a Magnet Can Do (1:109-116)
What Eddie Brought Home (9:67-76)
Your Own Aquarium (4:100-116)
Kessler, Ethel 1922-
Big Red Bus (38:46-58)
Crunch Crunch (30:125-139)
Plink, Plink! (12:101-116)
Kessler, Leonard 1921-
Angus and the Ducks (18:65-76)
Big Red Bus (38:46-58)
City Boy, Country Boy (18:106-116)
Crunch Crunch (30:125-139)
Little Tuppen (28:117-124)
Lollypops and Automobiles and How They Are Made (2:101-115)
Mr. Mailman (24:147-155)
Plink, Plink! (12:101-116)
Tell Me the Time, Please (29:85-103)
Ten Little Indians (13:77-84)
Tricks to Fool Your Friends (41:146-155)
Your Breakfast Egg (6:109-116)
Kredel, Fritz 1900-1973
Rumpelstiltskin (10:57-64)
Shoemaker and the Elves (6:77-84)
They Sailed on the Mayflower (15:1-35)
Lantz, Paul 1908-
Books of Nah-wee (9:125-155)
Peary, Hero of the Great White North (20:45-57)
Lear, Edward 1812-1888
Calico Pie (38:112-116)
Lee, Manning de V. 1894-1980
Boston Bells (24:45-76)
Old Whirlwind (34:85-116)
Puppet Play (1:101-108)
Toys You Can Make (16:102-116)
Legrand, Edy 1893-
Bremen Town Musicians (37:77-84)
Singh Rajah and the Cunning Little Jackals (31:37-44)
MacDonald, Roberta
Adventures of Pinocchio (32:1-53)
Emperor's New Clothes (11:62-76)
Three Sillies (24:85-95)
Thumbelina (16:44-69)
Tom, the Piper's Son (23:38-43)
MacKenzie, Garry 1921-
Life on a Farm (13:116-140)
True Book of Dinosaurs (14:85-98)
World Uses Electricity (9:85-101)
MacKnight, Ninon
See Ninon
MacLean, Robert
Azor (22:125-1500)
Chinky, the Banker Pony (32:125-155)
Henry and Ribsy Go Fishing (42:125-155)
Little Eddie, Junk Collector (39:125-135)
War Whoop of the Wily Iroquois (26:104-116)
Micossi, Mario
Bell of Atri (37:146-155)
Mitsui, Eiichi
Wonderful Teakettle (35:126-1330
Mordvinoff, Nicolas
See Nicolas
Moss, Richard
Napoleon, the Corsican Boy (8:104-116)
Moy, Seong 1921-
Johnny Penguin (16:85-101)
Nicolas [Nicolas Mordvinoff] 1911-1973
How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin (1:40-44)
Valiant Chatteemaker (22:56-70)
Ninon [Ninon MacKnight] 1908-
Apples' New House (11:125-155)
Betsy, Tacy, and Tib Are Ten (32:54-73)
Fairies (36:77-84)
Heidi Goes to the Pasture (41:37-66)
Lost in the Apple Cave (39:63-75)
Mr. Apple Names the Children (2:65-76)
Rosa-Too-Little (17:106-116)
Timothy Titus (26:54-60)
Trucks Are Fun (5:85-96)
Very Little Girl (6:37-44)
O'Sullivan, Tom
Benjamin Franklin (3:125-156)
Palazzo, Tony 1905-1970
Aesop's Fables (2:1-36)
Noah's Ark (36:1-36)
Parsons, Virginia
Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the Red Shoes (5:141-156)
Paull, Grace 1898-
Michael Who Missed his Train (27:45-58)
Mr. A and Mr. P. (19:63-74)
Pancakes for Breakfast (1:135-156)
Saddler's Horse (6:125-140)
Perls, Susan
Be a Magician (18:125-146)
Petersham, Maud 1889-1971
Erminka and the Red Topped Boots (42:117-124)
Houses Old and New (2:37-44)
Picnic Basket (31:77-84)
Poppy Seed Cakes (10:77-84)
Story Book of Wheels (8:85-103)
Story of Gold (1:85-100)
Petersham, Miska 1889-1960
Erminka and the Red Topped Boots (42:117-124)
Houses Old and New (2:37-44)
Picnic Basket (31:77-84)
Poppy Seed Cakes (10:77-84)
Story Book of Wheels (8:85-103)
Story of Gold (1:85-100)
Copley Family (24:77)
Amazing Animals of Australia (35:156-160)
America's Lake and River Fish (12:117-124)
Animal Children (1:117-124)
Animals of Africa (10:117-124)
Birds of the South Pacific (9:117-124)
Butterflies and Moths of North America (17:117-124)
Dog Friends (3:117-124)
Exploring Caves (21:117-124)
Fishes of the Shallow Sea (8:117-124)
Hawaiian Islands (25:156-160)
Hunters from the Sky (41:117-124)
In Cactus Land (22:156-160)
Insect Friends and Enemies (11:117-124)
Keeping Our Wildlife Safe (18:117-124)
Let's Go to Arabia (38:156-160)
Let's Go to Argentina (41:156-160)
Let's Go to Belgium (39:156-160)
Let's Go to Chile (37:156-160)
Let's Go to Colombia (29:156-160)
Let's Go to Five Little Countries (34:156-160)
Let's Go to Germany (42:156-160)
Let's Go to Greece (36:156-160)
Let's Go to Iceland and Greenland (31:156-160)
Let's Go to Indonesia (28:156-160)
Let's Go To Israel (18:156-160)
Let's Go to Pakistan (32:156-160)
Let's Go to Peru (33:156-160)
Let's Go to Portugal (26:156-160)
Let's Go to Scandinavia (40:76-85)
Let's Go to the South Sea Islands (30:156-160)
Let's Go To Turkey (27:156-160)
Let's Visit Alaska (13:156-160)
Let's Visit Austria (16:156-160)
Let's Visit Bermuda (21:156-160)
Let's Visit Brazil (12:156-160)
Let's Visit Canada (19:156-160)
Let's Visit Ceylon (11:156-160)
Let's Visit Ecuador (23:156-160)
Let's Visit France (8:157-160)
Let's Visit India (15:156-160)
Let's Visit Ireland (24:156-160)
Let's Visit Japan (7:157-160)
Let's Visit Puerto Rico (17:156-160)
Let's Visit Scotland (14:156-160)
Let's Visit South Africa (9:156-160)
Let's Visit Spain (10:156-160)
Let's Visit Thailand (22:117-124)
Let's Visit Yugoslavia (20:156-160)
Life Along the Amazon (16:117-124)
Life in the Arctic (6:117-124)
Life in the Everglades (7:117-124)
Little Known Mammals (5:77-84)
Mushrooms and their Cousins (25:117-124)
Nature in Motion (14:117-124)
Nature's Hiding Secrets (4:117-124)
Nature's Home Builders (33:117-124)
North America's Wonderful Wildlife (29:117-124)
Our Nation's Capital (20:76-84)
Our Vanishing Wildlife (15:117-124)
Pets Around the World (39:117-124)
Prehistoric Animals of North America (40:156-160)
Salt-water 'Zoos' (31:117-124)
Shells of Land and Sea (19:117-124)
Some Favorite Game Birds of Land and Water (37:117-124)
This is Australia (1:157-160)
This Is England (5:157-160)
This Is Holland (2:157-160)
This Is Italy (6:157-160)
This Is Mexico (3:157-160)
This Is Switzerland (4:157-160)
Trip to the Pond (36:117-124)
Why Men Hunt Rocks (27:117-124)
Pitz, Henry C. 1895-1976
Thomas Jefferson: Father of Democracy (41:125-133)
Boy King Arthur (9:1-36)
Elephant's Child (6:45-59)
Horatius at the Bridge (15:108-116)
Jack and the Beanstalk (2:45-64)
Sir Launcelot, Knight of the Round Table (22:1-36)
Plummer, William
Galileo and the Lamps (22:151-155)
Powers, Richard M. 1921-
Legend of the Inchcape Rock (20:117-124)
Streamlined Wonder World (29:104-116)
Rojankovsky, Feodor 1891-1970
Alfred the Saxon King (32:74-83)
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (23:1-37)
Baby Bear (9:37-44)
Elephant Herd (28:85-99)
Farmyard Song (40:136-142)
Five Favorite Fables (18:77-84)
Gingerbread Boy (11:37-44)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (2:77-84)
How the Camel Got His Hump (41:77-84)
Lion Cub (21:38-44)
Obedient Jack (38:117-124)
Old Woman and Her Pig (14:77-84)
Story of the First Men (7:85-108)
Three Billy Goats Gruff (29:77-84)
Unc' Billy Possum (26:117-123)
Roselli, Luciana
Homemade Holiday Gifts and Greetings (28:63-76)
Little Folk's Party (3:97-104)
Simple Sewing: A Doll and Her Clothes (35:106-115)
Rosenthal, Doris
Chi-wee's White Boots (33:125-140)
Rowand, Phyllis
Andy and Polly (13:95-106)
Fairy and the Doll (23:149-155)
Middle Bear (31:45-66)
Rufus Moffat's First Day of School (19:85-107)
Scarry, Richard 1919-
Away Goes Jonathan Wheeler (20:96-101)
Big Brother (25:102-116)
Chief Dooley's Busy Day (36:125-139)
Dime's Worth for Free (33:141-155)
Harvey and Higgins Incorporated (37:66-76)
Henry Huggins and Ribs (26:124-143)
Little Red Riding Hood (7:37-44)
Pysen Goes to Blueviken (29:125-155)
Three Little Pigs (10:65-76)
True Book of Space (39:86-101)
With Dorothy in Oz (40:1-51)
Seaton, Walter
Jerry and the Pony Express (2:125-156)
Sendak, Maurice 1928-
Velveteen Rabbit (35:85-105)
What the Good-Man Does Is Always Right (41:107-116)
Windy Wash Day and Other Poems (31:85-100)
Seredy, Kate 1899?-1975
Princess and the Pea (9:77-84)
Shahn, Judith
Tell Me Why (14:99-116)
Shenton, Edward 1895-1977
America's Glorious Past (35:1-35)
Animal Tracks (24:125-146)
Daniel Boone (5:105-116)
Dick and the Canal Boat (8:125-156)
Hiawatha (7:1-36)
Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the Far West (31:1-27)
Lightning: A Cowboy's Colt (17:28-53)
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat (13:107-115)
Robinson Crusoe (27:1-44)
True Book of Little Eskimos (42:103-116)
Ulysses S. Grant: The General Who Hated War (40:143-155)
Val Rides the Oregon Trail (12:125-155)
Wisdom of Five Famous Men (37:45-65)
Sherman, Theresa 1916-
Milly and Her Dogs (21:69-76)
Roger and the Fox (40:52-66)
Tell Me about People (36:140-155)
Shinn, Everett 1876-1953
Christmas Carol (4:1-64)
Sibley, Don 1922-
Pioneer Cities of America (38:36-45)
Skilton, Elizabeth
Lad Who Went to the North Wind (39:149-155)
Tinder Box (35:61-76)
Smith, Alice
America's Glorious Past (35:1-35)
Smith, Lawrence Beall 1909-
Baker's Daughter (26:144-155)
Doll in the Grass (42:37-44)
Gulliver in Lilliput (8:1-36)
Nutcracker and the Mouse-king (28:34-45)
Paul Revere's Ride (11:1-13)
Peterkin Family (16:1-43)
Pied Piper of Hamelin Town (3:1-18)
Princess on the Glass Hill (27:59-77)
Rapunzel (21:58-68)
Story of William Tell (10:37-44)
Spier, Peter 1927-
Cow Who Fell in the Canal (39:76-85)
Dick Whittington and His Cat (6:141-156)
Dutch Boy and the Dike (22:77-84)
Edison and Marconi: Wizards of Invention (42:85-102)
How to Send Secret Messages (38:125-149)
Hunt for Unburied Treasure (19:135-155)
Man Who Didn't Wash His Dishes (12:67-76)
Science Quizzes and Experiments (30:140-155)
Story Book of Ships (17:54-76)
Steiner, Charlotte 1900-1981
Child's World in ABC (6:85-108)
Giddy-ap, Giddy-ap! (8:45-59)
Kiki Dances (37:85-97)
Kiki Goes to Camp (23:105-116)
Kiki Is an Actress (42:56-70)
Kiki Loves Music (3:105-116)
Kiki Skates (29:63-76)
Suba, Susanne 1913-
Cinderella (8:60-76)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (4:125-144)
Swain, Suzan Noguchi 1916-
Plants to Have Fun With (40:103-111)
Tenniel, John 1820-1914
With Alice in Wonderland (12:1-66)
Thollander, Earl 1922-
Experimenting with Electricity (25:144-155)
Let's Look at Russia (35:116-125)
Man in the Manhole and the Fix-it Men (39:136-148)
Vasiliu, Mircea 1920-
Beezus and her Imagination (35:134-155)
Vestal, Herman B.
Everybody Lends Jerry Muskrat a Hand (8:77-84)
John Paul Jones (4:145-156)
Robin Hood (41:1-36)
Vinson, Pauline
Willie Goes to the Hospital (22:106-116)
Warhol, Andy
Card Games Are Fun (27:96-116)
Funny Words and Riddles (5:97-104)
Homemade Orchestra (7:109-116)
Little Red Hen (15:77-84)
Magic Porridge Pot (21:77-84)
Sophocles the Hyena (33:85-104)
Watson, Aldren A. 1917-
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (5:1-36)
Daniel in the Lions' Den (17:125-155)
Follow the Sunset (32:84-101)
Fountain of Youth (40:117-124)
Joyful Poems (9:45-66)
Toads and Diamonds (30:117-124)
Ulysses and the Wooden Horse of Troy (13:1-36)
Walrus and the Carpenter (41:67-76)
When the Root Children Wake Up (19:75-84)
Webb, Addison
Birds Build Their Homes (5:117-140)
Weisgard, Leonard 1916-
America's Wonderful National Parks (34:22-45)
Chicken-Little (3:77-84)
House that Jack Built (8:37-44)
Marjorie's Almanac (29:37-43)
Mother Goose Rhymes (1:77-84)
Peter Rabbit's Prank (32:117-124)
Rip Van Winkle (19:1-37)
Story of Early America (6:1-36)
Sword of Damocles (24:117-124)
Three Little Kittens (12:77-84)
Twelves Days of Christmas (16:77-84)
Wait for William (14:50-61)
Whistle for the Train (25:92-101)
Weiss, Harvey 1922-
Go Fly a Kite (31:101-116)
Magic Skipping Rope (30:72-76)
Pete the Parakeet Finds a Friend (20:125-155)
Poems of the City (6:60-76)
Rhymes To Learn By (10:107-116)
True Book of Health (41:134-145)
True Book of Policemen and Firemen (11:85-99)
True Book of Tools for Building (21:142-155)
True Book of Toys at Work (37:125-145)
Wright Brothers: Pioneers of Flight (36:85-100)
Williams, Garth 1912-1996
Christmas in the Big Woods (28:1-33)
Wilson, Dagmar 1916-
Oldest, the Youngest, and the One in the Middle (15:45-63)
Wong, Jeanyee 1920-
God that Lived in the Kitchen (24:19-37)
Woodward, Hildegarde 1898-
Connemara Donkey (38:85-111)
Three Seeds (31:130-155)